Fun Fashion Shoot Featuring Civvies {Best Chic Boutique} | Culver, Indiana

June 14, 2013  •  Leave a Comment

Civvies Fashion Photography Session Best Friends Portraits Culver I'm small town girl at heart. There, I've said it! :) When I met Ed, my now husband, I didn't think so though. I'd grown up in a small town in Western New York and spent my summers in another one, so I thought that moving to the city (or at least the suburbs) of a major city would be where I'd want to live as an adult. I went to school at the University of Rochester (a little plug for an awesome school) and lived nearby in the city through grad school. After graduation from the Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program, I moved. There had to be more...I knew it and I was up for the adventure. I definitely didn't think that vast corn fields and cows would make me smile every day...but all it took was one trip to the little town of Culver, Indiana and I was sold. You see, I lived in Annapolis, Maryland which is about an hour drive to Washington, DC and Baltimore, Maryland when I met Ed. It's a great area and very beautiful...but it's full of traffic, traffic, traffic and more traffic. And I had to drive in traffic to go to work, to the store, to visit friends, etc. Now I love to visit, but Culver won my heart in the Fall of 2007 when Ed asked me to come out to Indiana and sail with him. I clearly remember my first drive through the small towns and fields with vibrant green and brown hues. It was refreshingly beautiful. Since that first trip, I've found Culver to be  such little gem in the midst of cornfields. There are multiple delicious restaurants, a variety of wonderful clothing and gift boutiques, gorgeous Lake Maxinkuckee, an amazing public waterfront beach and of course the notorious Culver Academies. Kids can be kids. Adults can relax. And I love it. I love it so much, I want it to thrive. Luckily, there is a resurgence of young people deciding small town living is for them and there is a great group of us in Culver. Not only are they living here, but they are bringing their businesses to Culver. 

As time has gone on in Culver, our town has had some small shop owners retire and close their little stores, so we have room to grow. I personally can't stand looking at covered up windows and while having breakfast one morning at one of our delicious little restaurants, I decided to do something about it. I approached Julie Brooks & Julie Workman, owners of Civvies, an amazing little boutique shop with clothing and accessories and gifts with my idea. They just seemed like they would be the perfect fit. 

"civvies is situated between the rolling green cornfields of indiana and the pretty blue waters of lake maxinkuckee. the idea for this small shop came to fruition on many bike rides around the lake… it is a wonderful place to stop in for a short visit or plop down for a long summer stay. winter finds us enjoying chilly walks in warm scarves and fuzzy sweaters. it is our wish at civvies to see that you have something wonderful to wear on all these occasions. have fun, be fashionable, be happy, be kind.  live out loud."

We decided to team up and give the papered over windows next door to their shop a facelift. A little beautification project for our small town. Something to draw people in, to think about the what ifs, the potential and the possibilities.  We scheduled a session at the Always Happy Life Photography studio to show off their summer line and they brought out so many pretty things from Michael Stars, Uncle Frank, Henry & Belle, Two Old Hippies, Miss Margo, Wooden Ships, Black Sheep, M.Rena. The girls did an amazing job modeling and our hope is that these images will hopefully help draw people in to look at the rental space and a new shop will have a home in Culver soon. We'll keep changing them up until it does. The windows will be spiffed up to feature their summer fashions and I'm hoping it spreads a message that we care. We care a lot about our little town. So if you're thinking about what you could do today...why not think about a trip to Culver? It's a great destination and I promise you'll want to come back! 

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Becky Furry, owner of Always Happy Life Photography is based in Culver, Indiana. She specializes in capturing custom lifestyle portrait sessions with moms to be, newborns, babies, children, families & high school seniors. Becky is a member of the Professional Photographers of America and also is a certified Pediatric Nurse Practitioner. She loves how Always Happy Life Photography incorporates her love of children & their families with her love of photography. Client portrait sessions are on location using natural light or in the Always Happy Life Photography studio which has a background of beautiful old barns, sprawling green fields and is close to Lake Maxinkuckee and the gorgeous Culver Academies. Contact Becky at 574-598-0022 or [email protected] for a personal consultation for your portrait needs.  Please follow Always Happy Life Photography on Facebook as well! 


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